Craig Padilla and Marvin Allen
InterContinental Music Awards Winner
2023 – Best of Pangea | New Age
With more than 40 releases over the course of his prolific career, Craig Padilla has proven to be a driving force in the current electronic music scene. Never letting technology overcome the humanity in his compositions, he creates electronic music that is rooted in tradition while still sounding new, interesting and fresh. Craig has always endeavored to create engaging musical landscapes as experiences to be treasured and played indefinitely.
Marvin Allen is a northern California based multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, performer, and music educator. As an accomplished musician, he has been lending his talents to numerous jingles, recording sessions, and short film soundtracks for many years. He also co-founded the Shasta Blues Society and continues to mentor many talented youths. His 2019 collaboration with longtime friend Craig Padilla is Allen’s first foray into the world of ambient electronic music.